client info / affiliation
in cooperation with Florian Mondl und Arno Scharinger
Project summary
Custom made emojis for Mental Health within the campaign ➔ #DarüberRedenWir
👉 8.9 million+ views
👉 Shortlist Deutscher Preis für Onlinekommunikation
👉 Available on via ➔ GIPHY (search 'darüberredenwir')
👉 Sticker for Telegram ➔ #darüberredenwir Sticker Pack
creative services
☒ art direction
☒ illustration​​​​​​​
☒ technical support (StickerBot)​​​​​​​
case​​​​​​​ details
For all those moments in which we do not have words to describe our feelings, and to make mental health visible in social media, we created the first mental health emoji. Especially among men, mental health is a scarce topic, which is why three emojis were specifically created to showcase MENtal health.

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